Thursday, February 23, 2011
I told you I'd be back, but it's been a struggle. In addition to the walk ending, the weather here has been the "blahs", so that just adds to the letdown from the trip ending. But, better days are-a-coming, so that's positive. I have been trying to organize the pictures from the trip, as well as my thoughts, in order to put together some type of "program" for the schools and other interested groups.
Believe it or not, I still have stuff packed in the backpack and on the cart....just can't get around to dealing with it yet. I'm back to walking the 8+ miles each day on my normal route. I've decided much of walking is mental. Why? Well, several people who came out to walk on my trip far exceeded their normal walking miles.....and none of them seemed the worse for wear. Plus, my 8+ mile walk each day seems to take about as much out of me as the 20+ I usually did on the road. If we can just get our minds to go away for a while, I think we can walk pretty much as far as we want. Just a theory, nothing scientific behind it.
I did an interview today for a local paper, and will add it to the blog when it is published. Also, I have added several news articles about the walk.....the latest from a Raleigh, NC newspaper and TV station. I will be visiting schools in Gastonia, NC, on March 15, and also a church men's class. Shortly after returning to VA, I visited Doug and Sarah at Outdoor Trails store. They were a big help in getting the right gear to take on the trip. I know, although they won't admit it, the first time I walked in that store and told them what I was going to do, they probably thought I was wacky! Would have loved to have heard their conversation when I left that first day.
Do you remember the Cooley girls....Maggie and Caroline? I'm still trying to figure out how they found you think Mick helped them? Anyhow, a while back their Dad sent me an email with something very special included. It's a song, and he said it reminded them of my walk. I've added a link, so don't miss that......a very special reminder to me of all the nice people I've met along the way.
Several people have asked if I'm going to do a "recap" of the walk.....kinda a planned vs. actual sort of thing. I am, but still sorting out my thoughts. I hope everyone is doing well, it'll soon be Spring. The picture is at home in Daleville, leaning on the transportation of Ford F250......since I don't as yet have one of those beautiful Paint horses.
Until the next time, take care. If you're ever sitting around with nothing to do, take a little walk. Leave the headphones at home, and just meander along, seeing the sights, hearing the sounds, and smelling the smells. You'll feel better when it's over.........Jeff.