Tuesday November 2nd, 2010
The guy I stayed with last evening is named Joey....That's all I know. He works in Kansas in an oil field, and works there one week, and comes home for a week. He said he hopes to find work with the same company somewhere near where he lives. He had another guy living with him, but he didn't speak English so I never learned his name. Anyhow, Joey set me up on the sofa, gave me a blanket, and then went to his room....and the other guy went to his. That's the last I saw of either of them until morning. I never saw Joey, but the other guy got dressed and left for work. I got dressed and left also. I appreciate being able to stay inside, but it all was a little strange.
My goal today is to eliminate some of the distance between me and Anson. After walking awhile, I saw a sign that listed Roby as 18 miles, Anson as 46. I figured I could be in Anson Thursday morning if all went well. As I walked along I saw a dozen or so Llamas in a field. I also noticed ( and have noticed before) that mailboxes on this highway are turned toward the house. The person delivering the mail drives between the mailbox and the house to put the mail in the box. I also passed a huge, wild pig dead along side the road. It must have weighed a couple hundred pounds and was very scary to say the least.
I rested awhile, and headed out again. This time I saw a sign listing Roby as 7 miles, Anson as 35. Hmmm.... If I could do those 7, plus maybe 3 to 5 more, I can possibly make Anson late Wednesday. I passed a guy name Reuben repairing fences along the road. He works on a ranch in the area, and told me there are lots of coyotes and wild pigs in the area. He said his boss trapped 12 wild pigs recently, and took them to Roby to sell. If you bought a wild pig what would you do with it....Eat it? Before long I was in Roby.
Roby lists the population as less than a thousand, but it is a nice little town. I found a convenience store/restaurant and stopped to get something to eat. I have noticed for awhile now that you almost never see hot dogs on menus out here. I asked the woman about it, and she said everybody does beef and potatoes out this way. So I had a burger instead. I ate, rested awhile, and headed out for my final few miles of the day. As I was leaving Roby, I passed a young boy with a lasso, practicing his roping in a fenced area containing a dozen or so goats! I guess this is how they learn the ways of a cowboy. I have also noticed out here that many of the high schools have competitions in rodeo events.
I passed several good campsites, but was greedy for a few more miles. I finally settled on an OK spot. The minute I started setting up the tent, the coyotes started howling. I hope they stay on their side of the fence. Also, the biggest, blackest, bull you ever saw was munching grass about 10 feet from my tent. But once again I hope he stays on his side of the fence. But that's what you get when you get greedy for miles. Hopefully tomorrow evening I'll be in a hotel in Anson.
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