Around 4am this morning, I woke up to something trying to knock down my tent. Recognized immediately it was the horses back, and hitting the tent with their hoofs. They just didn't want me in their pasture. I jumped up, went outside and threw rocks at them until they left. They went far enough away to be outside the range of the rocks, and watched me. The minute I was back inside the tent, they would return. What's with these horses......isn't this strange behavior for them? Anyhow, my sleep was over for the night, so when it started getting light, I got up and started packing. I love horses, but not these two.
Before long was on the road to Artesia. I had about 5 miles left, and started seeing signs of town before that. Artesia is very proud of its high school football, and everything in town is decorated today because of a game tonight. Unfortunately it is out of town, or I would stay and attend. The high school stadium is somewhat famous, having been featured in a 1993 National Geographic article. I hadn't eaten today, so began looking for a place to get breakfast. Happened on Ruth's Restaurant, and stopped in. A group of people at one of the tables stopped me, and said they had seen me several days back in Alamogordo. Has a nice breakfast, and them went looking for a place to get on the computer.
Along the way, passed by a State Farm insurance office, and stopped in. My daughter-in-law Michelle works for State Farm, so if I see one along the way will stop in and ask them to send her an email. Well the people here made a big deal of me stopping in.......took pictures, called Michelle, and sent me off with a t-shirt and a few other things. I think they also tried to sell me some insurance: accident and coverage for my cart and possessions! A nice group of people, and a nice welcome to the town. They gave me directions to the public library, so I walked there and asked to use their wi-fi. They said fine, so here I am, @ 430pm edt, on Oct 22, just finishing up my blog.
When I leave here, plan to get some lunch, maybe some supplies, and start out toward Hobbs, NM. It's about a 75 mile trip, which is at least 3 days if I get in a few miles today. I plan to take a day off in Hobbs, and my family is sending a package or two there, awaiting my arrival. After Hobbs, well you know what's next. Hopefully Verizon has better coverage east of Artesia than they have the past few days. I'll be talking to you from the road.........Jeff. (The pic above, although not a very good one, is one of several statues in Artemis.....it is in memory of people who worked on oil platforms.)
Now you should be hearing those oil wells pumping. Tell everyone to switch to satellite on "where I've been" and see all the oil wells between Artesia and Hobbs. Your doing good.
cool have u meet jhone chaves