Thursday, October 28, 2010
Brrrrrr….was it ever cold last night. Totally unexpected (by me at least) because yesterday was such a nice day. I woke up around 6, but because of the time change, the sun didn’t come up until after 8. I guess being on the extreme western side of the central time zone causes that. On the other hand, it stays light longer in the afternoon. As soon as it was light enough, I headed for Seminole. Not quite sure how far that is, but don’t think it’s too far, so I should get a good start toward Lamesa today.
On the way into Seminole, I passed what could be called a castle, but most likely is called a house out here. Huge place, the kind rich and famous people own. Not your typical Seminole house. I am told a farmer owns it....not your typical farmer. After I couple of miles I was in Seminole, and soon those “golden arches“ came into view. I stopped in McDonald's for breakfast, and while there used their wi-fi to update the blog. Also stopped by the convenience store for ice and a few things. Seminole seems a nice enough small town, and has at least 2 famous people born there…..Tanya Tucker and Larry Gatlin. Hwy 62 and 180 go separate ways in Seminole, and 180 changed from 4 lane to 2, but still had a nice shoulder for walking.
East of Seminole on 180 is nothing except cotton fields or empty fields. Much of the cotton has been picked by now, but picking is still going on in some fields. I stopped around noon or so to rest, and a pickup truck pulled up and stopped. The guy walked over to me with a package in his hand, introduced himself, and said it was for my lunch. Bar-B-Que chicken, ribs, and sausage. We talked a while about my trip, then he had to leave. Very nice of him to do that, but I knew these Texans would start immediately trying to impress me with their bar-b-que!
I ate, rested a while, and back to walking. Saw a sign that listed Lamesa as 28 miles, so figured I could get there tomorrow with time to spare. A young man, his wife, and small child stopped alongside me and talked a while about my walk. Sorry I didn’t get their names, sometimes that happens. He works in an oil field near Hobbs. A nice couple. I wasn‘t sure how far I had come today, but around 530 I saw a perfect place for camping. Wanting to go a few more miles today, I walked by it about 50 yds, and stopped. Thought a while and walked another 50 yds or so. Thought a while longer, and decided to turn around and go back. What‘s another 30 minutes or so walking in the big scheme of things? A good campsite is very important, and there‘s not much out here.
So, I set up camp and settled in for the night. It‘s getting cool, and will be dark soon. Still a few trucks going by, hauling cotton to the gin. But that will stop soon.
Brrrrrr….was it ever cold last night. Totally unexpected (by me at least) because yesterday was such a nice day. I woke up around 6, but because of the time change, the sun didn’t come up until after 8. I guess being on the extreme western side of the central time zone causes that. On the other hand, it stays light longer in the afternoon. As soon as it was light enough, I headed for Seminole. Not quite sure how far that is, but don’t think it’s too far, so I should get a good start toward Lamesa today.
On the way into Seminole, I passed what could be called a castle, but most likely is called a house out here. Huge place, the kind rich and famous people own. Not your typical Seminole house. I am told a farmer owns it....not your typical farmer. After I couple of miles I was in Seminole, and soon those “golden arches“ came into view. I stopped in McDonald's for breakfast, and while there used their wi-fi to update the blog. Also stopped by the convenience store for ice and a few things. Seminole seems a nice enough small town, and has at least 2 famous people born there…..Tanya Tucker and Larry Gatlin. Hwy 62 and 180 go separate ways in Seminole, and 180 changed from 4 lane to 2, but still had a nice shoulder for walking.
East of Seminole on 180 is nothing except cotton fields or empty fields. Much of the cotton has been picked by now, but picking is still going on in some fields. I stopped around noon or so to rest, and a pickup truck pulled up and stopped. The guy walked over to me with a package in his hand, introduced himself, and said it was for my lunch. Bar-B-Que chicken, ribs, and sausage. We talked a while about my trip, then he had to leave. Very nice of him to do that, but I knew these Texans would start immediately trying to impress me with their bar-b-que!
I ate, rested a while, and back to walking. Saw a sign that listed Lamesa as 28 miles, so figured I could get there tomorrow with time to spare. A young man, his wife, and small child stopped alongside me and talked a while about my walk. Sorry I didn’t get their names, sometimes that happens. He works in an oil field near Hobbs. A nice couple. I wasn‘t sure how far I had come today, but around 530 I saw a perfect place for camping. Wanting to go a few more miles today, I walked by it about 50 yds, and stopped. Thought a while and walked another 50 yds or so. Thought a while longer, and decided to turn around and go back. What‘s another 30 minutes or so walking in the big scheme of things? A good campsite is very important, and there‘s not much out here.
So, I set up camp and settled in for the night. It‘s getting cool, and will be dark soon. Still a few trucks going by, hauling cotton to the gin. But that will stop soon.
Hi Mr.russel good luck :)☺