Sunday, September 26, 2010

Days 27, 28: Rest and Relaxation in Mesa

Two days of nothing but chillin', soft beds, and good food. Also an opportunity to update the blog and plan for the next leg of the journey. Kim Petty Bramlett, a former neighbor from VA, her husband Jason, daughter Taylor, and Taylor's friend Jesse, came Saturday to take us for a little shopping. Alan still isn't feeling well and decided to stay in the room. I had a few things to pick up before the next leg of the trip.

We shopped, ate lunch at Cheesecake Factory, shopped some more, and they dropped me off back at the motel. As you can see from the picture above, I bought the bandaids that Jason is holding, but Kim picked up a few things since we were out! (No, that's not all Kim's stuff.) Thanks Kim, Jason, Taylor, and Jesse, for giving up part of your Saturday to help out.

Alan and I had planned to attend a Diamondback's baseball game, but decided to not go. He's still recovering, and I also need rest. So, the rest of Saturday was spent resting, watching TV, updating blog, and eating. Sunday was much the same as TV, work on blog, plan for the trip tomorrow. Get packed, plan route, get supplies, etc. Walkingmen don't want to get too comfortable.

See you on the road.........

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jeff and Alan,
    The cactus that you saw was a saguaro. They have a human like appearance. We hope Alan's feet and legs feel better. We found out the aquifier is a large underground body of water. All that water underneath and on top is desert. We wish you luck when you resume your journey.
    Mrs. Alexander's Fifth Grade class.
