Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hello From Walkingman

Dear friends, family, followers, and other interested people:

Greetings from Mesa, AZ. I hope everyone is doing well. Tomorrow we set out for Globe, AZ, and beyond. Alan is still having some issues with his feet, so not sure what's ahead for that. Overall we are doing well and making better progress than anticipated.

I spent lots of time on the blog this weekend, so it's up-to-date. I hope you will read the latest, and also go back to the post for days 11-13 and read about the time we spent with Larry and Dana Bowden. They were wonderful hosts to 2 weary wanderers.

My cell phone has worked most of the way, so call if you'd like. It's always good to hear from you. Take care and keep in touch.........Jeff.


  1. ok we will jeff.Hope u make it

  2. Sounds like its going well Papaw! Hope your enjoying it as much as I am reading through the blog! Maybe I can still convince my mom to let me off for the rest of school this year and catch up to you! Hope Alan's foot feels better soon.

  3. Jeff, you are making such good time! This means that we will probably miss seeing you when we are in Phoenix and Globe next weekend for our niece's wedding. Where do you think you might be Oct 1st-4th? Sure hope Alan's blisters heal enough for you to travel together again soon! We continue to enjoy your walking stories and my students send their greetings! Suzanne
