Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 129 - Armadillos in SC!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Well, I can finally validate previously heard rumors......there are, or were, armadillos in SC. I make this claim based on remains beside the road today. These things are spreading like fire ants! I thought they were only in Texas, how did they get out? Those Texans seem to have problems keeping some things in and some things out! Maybe because the state is so big?

Last evening was much warmer than the previous, I didn't even need the blanket. I was already awake when the alarm call came at 6, and quickly packed the gear on the cart and ready to hit the road by 7. But, couldn't find one of the bungee cords, so had to wait a few minutes until it became lighter......and then I found it, right where I had laid it down. The reason it was warmer I assumed, was because the day is overcast. As I started walking, the sun was trying to peek through the clouds, so maybe it'll be a good day. I hadn't walked too many miles and came to the intersection of Hwy 301 and I-26. There was a Love's Truck Stop there, so I stopped in for breakfast and to charge the computer. The guy from the Orangeburg paper never called, so I guess since I've already passed through town, he's not interested.

I sat in the truck stop until near 10, and walked outside. It was raining, and had been for a while. And the gear wasn't covered, so everything that could get wet, did. I covered it best I could, put on the rain gear, and headed toward Santee. A sign near the truck stop indicated 15 miles to go. I passed a historical marker for White House Church along the way......very interesting. I car pulled alongside me, and a "silver haired" woman handed a sausage biscuit out of the window. "I thought maybe you'd like something warm to eat", she said. I asked her name, but she said she would rather remain anonymous, and drove off. Lots of swamps in this area, and I really enjoy seeing those. I passed some people laying fiber optics cable, and stopped and talked to them a while.

Traffic wasn't too heavy on Hwy 301 this morning, but when an 18 wheeler passed close by, it was like taking a shower. Most of them moved over, but not all. While 301 doesn't have any shoulders, seems most of the roads in SC that I've walked so far have a wide, flat, grassy, shoulder. That gives room for me to move over if needed. I actually think it might be a little safer walking in the rain.....the cars slow down some, people seem to pay more attention, and I have a bright yellow rain jacket that should be very visible. I passed a small place called Four Holes, but never saw even one. I also passed a cotton gin that appeared to be busy. I passed many beautiful houses along the way, most of them styled like the plantation houses we think of in the South.

The rain continued, and the day was pretty dreary and cold. I had a call from Bill, in Demming, NM, or as he said on the voicemail, "the old guy on the Vespa motorscooter." Sorry I don't remember Bill's last name, but we have talked before. That helped perk me up, good to talk with him, and glad he's still following the walk. He said it's been cold in Demming.....lows around 0, with nice days around 50. I also got a call from Dan in Gastonia......he hangs around Lawing's Garage on Modena street, and we have talked a lot in the past. I soon came to a convenience store named "El Cheapo's", and decided to stop in for a rest and some lunch. I asked how far to Santee, and he said about 10 more miles. More than I wanted to hear, but it's only about 1pm. I didn't stay long, and after walking about a mile, saw a sign that listed Santee as 7 miles away.......that feels good, I can do that in 2 hours.

I walked the 2 hours and saw another sign listing Santee as 4 more miles! I don't get these was 7 miles, I walk 7, and now it's 4 more. Back in GA, the sign stated 16 to Augusta, I walked 3, and the sign then said 10. Doesn't matter, except mentally, because, as John Fox would say, "it is what it is". I finally reached the city limits of Santee. The sign pointed left to Santee, Hwy 301 went straight. I went left and headed toward town. Passed a launder mat, and would have dried my clothes and gear, but it's still raining. I stopped by a Fire Dept to ask directions, and then headed to town. It's almost stopped raining, and I spotted a Holiday Inn Express motel. They usually have a guest laundry, so I stopped in, asked could a wet, cold, pitiful, non-guest, use their dryer. The young woman at the desk, whom I later learned was from Lynchburg, VA, said sure, I got my stuff, and headed for the dryer.

After drying the clothes and gear, asked if I could charge the computer in the lobby (on the road, one must be creative and take advantage of opportunities), and again she agreed. I sat there a while, it was still raining and cold, so decided to just stay for the night. A room was available, so soon I was in the shower getting clean and warm. Tomorrow I cross Lake Marion via the old 15/301 bridge on the way to Manning....approx. 23 miles. Then I have to decide where to go from there. Most likely I'll head SE to Georgetown, then walk up the coast the rest of the way to Emerald Isle. As anyone who lives on the East Coast can tell you, during the winter we have occasional days like today.......cold and rains all day. The type of day you want to sit by the fire, and watch a good movie on TV or read a book.

About the pictures:
White House Church Historical marker;
Dan Cockrell, utility worker laying fibre optic cable;
Four Holes Community sign.

And a song for of my favorites.


  1. Jeff, Armadillos in Texas are bigger and my dog's biggern yours...

  2. Jeff, I hope you're not getting too wet and get another cold. Glad to know you are staying inside another night. I ran across this quote from Mark Twain that I think fits your bold endeavor.
    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowline. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” –Mark Twain
    Jon Childs-Gastonia

  3. Jeff, Not much further. Still keeping up with your progress each day. The Warren's in Hickory, MS ask how far you have gotten and to let you know they think about you also. Safe walking.

    Who knows you may have an armidillo following you to VA.

    Beaver in MS

  4. Hey Dad, funny you posted that song as one of your favorites. Lauren got a guitar for Christmas and that is her ultimate goal to be able to learn that song. She was actually watching all of the versions on youtube last night. Maybe you can help her out this summer. Take care and be safe! Check in with you this weekend - Jeff

  5. Hi Jeff,

    I love following your blog and have been following it not longer after you started your walk.
    Have you been interviewed by any of the national news stations like CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC?


  6. Tim,
    never been interviewed by any of the national news stations. I think my daughter maybe contacted one, or more of them, but never heard anything.
