Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 146 - Emerald Isle, NC

Saturday, January 22, 2011

As you might could imagine, sleeping didn't come easy last night. The closer I moved to the final destination, the more thinking I was doing in the evenings. That, plus fewer miles during the day makes me less tired in the evening. But I was asleep when the wake up call came at 6, and soon was up and getting things in order for the final few miles to the Bogue Inlet Pier. It was cold last evening, really cold, and there are predictions of several inches of snow today. There was a Hardee's across the road, so I walked over there for breakfast, and soon was back at the visitor's center getting everything ready. A guy who lives nearby, Bill Ennett, stopped by and brought me a cup of coffee. The mayor of Emerald Isle, Art Schools, arrived, took a few pictures, and I started the final 3+ miles at 830.

Traffic was light on Hwy 58, and there is a good shoulder for walking. There's been a good bit of publicity in the area about the walk, so lots of people were driving by waving, honking their horns, and stopping to take pictures. As I topped the bridge leading onto the island, I saw several cars parked on the other side of the bridge, waiting to talk and take pictures. This is the last "hill" of the walk. As I reached the other side, the mayor and others were there to take more pictures. Jon Childs and his wife Laura from Gastonia had come down for the final day.....and they were there. A woman and her daughter came up, introduced themselves, and asked if the daughter could ask me some questions about the trip. She was doing a classroom project about the walk.

All along the walk people were stopping to say hello, standing along the road waving, and taking pictures. A guy named Steven approached and asked to walk along for a while. A woman on a bike approached and walked a while. By this time I was very surprised and excited by the number of people who were out for the walk. As I neared the final turn to Bogue Inlet Pier, the mayor alerted 2 police cars who would escort me the final 1/4 mile or so. I soon saw the sign for the pier and the crowd waiting to greet the walkingman. I spotted the family, and it was a happy reunion. Everyone talked for a while, the mayor gave me a key to the city and said I was only the third person to ever receive one.......what an honor and thrill. We walked out on the pier, and the grandchildren poured the Pacific Ocean water that I carried across country, into the Atlantic.

It was snowing harder, and the crowd was leaving, so we packed up the cart and other stuff and headed to the house. Emerald Isle Realty provided a house for the family for 3 nights......a beautiful place on the ocean and lots of room. Lots to talk about, and everyone was happy about the day's events. Kevin Ellis from the Gaston Gazette called to interview me for another article in the paper. Mayor Schools and others in the area really made us all feel welcome......a perfect ending to an perfect adventure.

Over the next several weeks I'll be posting new entries to the blog about different stuff. Just things I want to share that I didn't have time to do. Plus, will be adding more pictures along with descriptions, and "cleaning" up the blog where needed. Some of the people who are following it are new to the blog, so they are still catching up on the story. I hope you will continue to read it and offer comments, questions, etc.

About the pictures:
Finally, Emerald Isle;
Pacific Ocean into the Atlantic;
A sign the family made;
Some of the crowd waiting for the walkingman;
A video of the final few steps.


  1. whoo hooooooooo!!!!! Way to go!!! It's so cool that there was a crowd to greet you, that you get a nice stay in Emerald Isle, and that the Atlantic now has a bit of the Pacific. What a WONDERFUL accomplishment! Congratulations, welcome home, and I will be looking forward to those additional entries!!

  2. Way to go Jeff. What a journey. Congratulations on completing it and we look forward to checking in to see where your next steps take you.

    Derek Rutledge, Apex, NC

  3. WELL DONE WALKINGMAN, Great crowd to welcome you so just picture me there my friend. MICK !!

  4. What a wonderful welcome to the end of the adventure! :)

  5. I have enjoyed your journey almost as much as you did.Way cool Keep up the blog.

  6. A warm reception for a cold mornings arrival.
    Once again, cheers on your accomplishment and thanks again for sharing your journey with the rest of the world.

  7. I hae enjoyed reading your blog. CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done.

    Beaver in MS

  8. Wow Jeff! I am so glad you made it! Though I must say I am not a bit surprised that you did alot faster than you planned. Hopefully I will get to see you when you come to town next week (come after 530)! Jack will be happy to see you too!

  9. Way to go Jeff! I have now met a man who has Walked Across America. Following your trek made me feel like I was a small part of the journey. I plan to drive across America one day at a very slow pace. Not as slow as your walk, more like 75-100 miles a day instead of your 20-25. Taking each day to visit interesting places and enjoy daily excursions. You're an inspiration!

    Enjoy the rest and relaxation on the coast. When you come to visit Greenfield Elementary stop by the gym to say hi.

  10. Wa Hoo! Way to go Walkingman. I have enjoyed the journey very much and look forward to your postings over the next few weeks, how you are adjusting to not Walking, MAN.

  11. Congratulations Jeff!! AWESOME!

    Joe Lenz
    Arlington, TX

  12. Ethel from GrapevineJanuary 23, 2011 at 11:39 AM

    I have really enjoyed following you across America and all the interesting people you have encountered. Congratulations on a job well done. God Bless.

  13. this was great i loved listening to your day in and day out story - your definitely inspiring

  14. Congratulations!!!! The students are so impressed and proud of you!!!! We can't wait for you to come back to Greenfield to tell us more about your journey! We'll let you rest up for a while, but will be in touch soon to set up a visit, Way to go!!!!!
    Alisa and Kenleigh Gunter :)

  15. Congratulations on the completion of your journey! I'm sure your grandchildren will tell your great-great-grandchildren all about it!
    This stay at home mom of two preschoolers has enjoyed living vicariously through you as you trekked across the country. I will miss your updates! :)

