Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 143 - Snead's Ferry, NC

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I finally left the convenience store sometime after 9 last evening and walked the couple of blocks to the local park where I had decided to camp. I chose a spot that was dry (some of the ground was soggy from recent rains), and not so obvious to passersby. I soon had the tent up, and gear and myself inside. The camp site is right beside the Intercoastal Waterway, and I think that's Susan and Tyler's sailboat anchored just out from the park. I woke this morning to the sound of rain on the tent. Not hard, but enough to make packing the tent and gear a little messier. Plus, I don't like packing the tent when wet, but not much to do about that now. It was still a little dark when I headed out, first stop Hardees for breakfast. I sat there for a while waiting for the rain to stop, and finally crossed the street to a convenience store to find a paper. Still raining, so I sat there for a while, and the sky began to get maybe today won't be to bad. The destination for today is somewhere near Camp Lejeune.

The walk on Hwy 210 along the ocean is much nicer than dealing with the traffic on Hwy 17. I hear the roar of the ocean rather than 18 wheelers. It soon stopped raining, but still cloudy and cold. But there are bicycle lanes on both sides of the road and little traffic, so nice walking. After Surf City Beach comes North Topsail Beach, and then a bridge leaving Topsail Island. After a couple more miles I came to Snead's Ferry, and stopped at a Holiday Inn Express to ask about using their wi-fi. They charge for that, and I was glad to pay the nominal fee. In fact, prefer to pay a little something to use their facilities. I sat there a couple of hours doing computer stuff, and then headed out....still a couple of miles before I get to Hwy 172. The motel is located a little out of the way from businesses, and I thought that a little strange. But, there's a golf course nearby, and lots of people out, think that's where they get lots of customers.

I received a call from TV station WNCT in Morehead City, and the reporter, Smitha Rao, wanted to come out to do an interview for the local news. I told her where I was heading, so she said she would meet me somewhere near the intersection of Hwys 210 and 172. I got there first, and hung around until she arrived. While waiting I hung the tent out to dry for a while. Smitha arrived, we did the interview. I'll put a link on the blog. I started down 172 toward Camp Lejeune. Along the way I passed an interesting looking place named Yopp's Meeting House, est. in 1813. After a couple more miles I saw the bridge that spans the New River, and across the river, the Back Gate Guard Station. I didn't see any places to camp on the base side of the river, but did see an RV Park and Marina on the west side. I stopped and inquired about a camp site for the night. I was told by a permanent resident that the owner goes out of town during the winter, so if I wanted to stay the night, that was fine.

The resident's wife helped me find a spot (with electricity), and soon I had the tent up, with gear inside. The woman let me use an extension cord to run to the tent so I could charge the computer and phone. The site is just across the river from the Marine base, maybe 1/2 mile or so. They are training this evening, so lots of weapons firing, helicopters flying around, and artillery booming. I feel really safe in the tent this evening. Tomorrow morning at 7 I will be at the back gate, meet Frank with the pass, and head out for the 15 mile trek across the base. I'm really looking forward to that.

About the pictures:
Mick from Monroe, LA;
Drying the tent;
Yopps Meeting House.


  1. Dang Jeff, scare a fellow to death, would Ya ? HA !
    Maybe the Sarge from the base will have some recruits march with you across the base ? You might can show them how to pace themselves. Surely those M16's are aiming North.
    Me and Bill, from, Cowtown, are placing bets on you !
    Take care

  2. Jeff, glad you finally got Mick to show himself. Nice he IS a real person. Continue to have a safe journey.

  3. I know exactly where you are, and can see it in my mind. For the last 6yrs we have spent at least a week at North Topsail and eaten at Sneads Ferry, etc.... that is where the Noffsinger siblings and grandparents meet up each July.
    Good luck thru the base. Please don't get into trouble with the MP's, I have heard they don't mess around. :)

    Elizabeth and family in Aiken, SC
