Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 23: "I smell rain!"

While yesterday was a longer walk, today proved to be tougher. The ice in our coolers had long since melted, and our liquids were getting warm under the hot sun. After Salome Rd passes over I-10, it changes into a dirt/gravel road for about 5 miles, then back to pavement. Dirt/gravel makes pushing the cart much harder. To add to our woes, I missed a turn on the road resulting in us having to travel an extra 1.5 miles. That doesn't sound like a lot, but in 100+ temps, little or no water, and already tired from the 25 mile walk yesterday, it all adds up.

We finally reached Tonopah, tired and thirsty. But, as often happens, things began to look better. Tonopah has a 24 hour truck stop, restaurant, showers, store, etc. Everything needed to heal our wounds from the day. We filled up on water and Gatorade, and showered. We were resting outside the store before going to eat, and a man walked up and gave us a 12-pack of water. Never said much, just that we could use it.

We meandered over to the restaurant for dinner. I was still craving eggs, so ordered that along with hamburger steak, toast, and grits.....yes, grits in AZ! That's enough to make a southern boy well almost immediately. Alan opted for steak, as he does most times when it is available. Something about needing the protein.

The waitress came to the table to check on us, paused, looked outside, and said, "I smell rain." I said, "you smell what?", and she said, "rain." With that, she stopped what she was doing, and walked outside. Sure enough, it had started raining and she was outside enjoying it. Like when we have snow in the south and everybody stops to watch it, same with rain out here. It just doesn't rain very often. She finally came back in, with her arms and hair wet from the rain, and her enjoying having it on her skin.

This is the first water from the sky we have seen since the trip started, and it cooled the temps and left a freshness in the air. It only lasted about 20 minutes or so, but very appreciated. We paid our bill, and headed out to find a camping spot. Since it was already dark, the first field we came to, we walked a little way off the road, and put up the tents. It's been a very tiring day, and we wanted to get our shoes off and get inside. I did walk back to the truck stop and convinced the woman working to let me leave my cell phone overnight for charging. Then back to the tent for much needed rest.

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