Sunday, December 5, 2010

Greetings From Clinton, MS

Hello, and hope everyone is doing well. I am sitting right this minute in a Subway in Clinton, having breakfast and charging up some batteries. Thought I could use this time to answer a couple of questions asked occasionally, as well as offer a few comments:

Mick: the fish was a buffulo.....don't think I've ever heard of that.

Robert: I buy ice to keep my sodas cold, and occasionally might have something that needs chilling.

Larry B & Mike K: glad you're still keeping up with the walk, and thanks for your help along the way.

Where did the name "walkingman" come from? When living in Gastonia, I walked the same 8 mile route every day. Met a young girl along the way, and she started calling me the walkingman. "Momma, momma, here comes the walkingman." Then it became, Mr. Jeff, the walkingman. I became friends with her family, and have experienced marriages, births, and deaths, in her family since we first met. Her name is Madie, and she's a pretty cool young girl. That's her in the picture above.

Do I ever get scared out here? Not so far.....well, maybe crossing the Mississippi River bridge! I figure it this way: the odds of a person or animal harming me are probably about the same as winning the $300 million lotto. The odds of getting hit by a car are probably about the same as winning something on a "scratch off" ticket. I doubt everyone believes this because our news media has programmed us to think something else......but it's what I've found. The number of people who appear afraid of me is much higher than the number of people of whom I'm afraid.

I hope everyone is reading the comments, and the links on the posts. Lots of history and interesting stuff from these two sources.


  1. Hey Jeff, Just a little info concerning your Ups and Downs ( elevations ). Google Earth shows the following for your towns ahead: Clinton 329',Jackson avg. 253' Pearl 280', Brandon 382',
    Pelahatchie 342', Morton 493 ', Forest 495 ' but there is a hump you will walk over, just prior to getting into Forest, that is 502 '. Now, you go back down hill. Lake is 462',Newton 383', Hickory 344', Chunkie 345', Meridian is hilly and varies 390's to408 ' above sea level. Cuba Alabama is down to 213 '. All these are mountains compared to the 71-73 ' here in Monroe. I am living on one of the highest points in Ouachita Parish @93 ft. above sea level.
    Hope you enjoy your Mountain Trek.

  2. Jeff, I failed to mention, the Buffulo fish is one of the members of the Carp family. It is a greasy but good tasting fish and if you ever want to try smoking a fish ( like the Yankees smoke Salmon ), this is the one. These things do get big and the largest I have seen was 47 lbs. Many years back, my lil ole mom, was catfishing on Cross Lake, in Shreveport. A 33 lb. Buffulo took her bait and it took this little woman near 30 minutes to land this thing.
    Smoked Buffulo, Absolutely Fantastical ! Better than Pork Chop Sandwiches, for sure !!
